
Why This Course Came to be

Welcome to From Job to Calling in 30 Days. We are excited that you have made the decision to take this journey with us, it will be impactful, fun, and productive. Employee engagement is our passion and it did not happen by accident.

More than once, we felt that coming to the office was awful, that weekends seemed to last a second and that what we did every day did not have any real meaning or impact. A small mid-life crisis hit us and we decided to stop and reflect.

After thinking, here is what we discovered:

We found out that according to Leaderonomics around 70% of workers are currently disengaged. Imagine that, only 30% of workers are experiencing fun, happiness and high levels of productivity at the office.

This is grim, but there is more life than work, right?

Of course, but the real question is how much more, and when you account for sleeping, we will more than likely spend half of our waking hours working. Half!

Can you imagine if you live a life in which you were disengaged half of the time? That is not going to happen, our mission is to turn the tables by having Employee Engagement climb up to 70%.

Our mission is for you to be re-engaged by utilizing us at Rengaged.

Keystone Habit: Morning Routine

Since this course is divided into 30 days for your convenience, we recommend that you do the unthinkable: wake up a little earlier. These lessons will benefit you within your professional life as well as your personal life in a very applicable way. Imagine how much your life would change if you are pumped up and energized and focused before the day has even started.

Life Charter

We have some project management experience and we noticed that industry principles have plenty of application on our personal lives. This is why we created the Life Charter.

It is an exercise handbook that has 6 Sections like the course, which fill out as you progress through the course. Below is the attachment for the first one. This Life Charter will be attached to the bottom of each lecture for your convenience. We suggest that you print it out and write everything by hand for two reasons:

1. You will remember it better through muscle memory

2. You are more committed to something you write by hand rather than type

You will find this Life Charter on the bottom of the first lecture in Section 1, “Clarity: The Precursor to Success” and every lecture thereafter.

Let’s begin. Let’s take it day by day and create habits that propel collective success into the future. Let’s learn things that empower us and those around us to experience life as we have always dreamed.

This is “From Job to Calling in 30 Days” created by the team at Rengaged. Blessings.

We look forward to taking part in this journey with you,


All of us at Rengaged

p.s. see you at the finish line

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